Welcome to Eagle Ridge Academy!
Serving Students Grades K-12
Defined: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars are good citizens, responsible, and contribute to the school.
In Action: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars pick up after themselves, are helpful, pay attention, recite the Pledge, and don’t vandalize property.
Defined: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars are trustworthy and have a conscience, dignity, morals, and academic honesty.
In Action: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars admit wrongdoing, stand up for what they feel is right, and complete homework on time.
Defined: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars endure through hardships, focus, don’t give up, and accomplish goals.
In Action: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars do their best, don’t get discouraged, ask for extra help if needed, and ask questions.
Defined: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars are honest, take pride in themselves, and recognize value and fairness.
In Action: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars show respect, stand up for others, and say hello to other students and teachers.
Defined: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars always do their best and take pride in their work and behavior.
In Action: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars care about they are working on, push themselves, and excel at what they do.
Defined: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars are kind, polite, exhibit self-control, and listen to authority figures.
In Action: Eagle Ridge Academy scholars listen, follow directions, accept responsibility for their actions, and take care of themselves and others.